1st Sunday in Advent
Full day
December 1, 2024
December 5, 2024
In an increasingly digital world, artificial intelligence (AI) plays an essential role in our daily lives and those of our children. As parents, it's crucial to understand how this technology influences their lives, and how we can help them use it responsibly.
Want to better understand the impact of AI on your children and equip them to make the most of it? Join us for a session packed with information and practical advice, hosted by Edith Taki from IT firm Altimex.
Offered free of charge by Parents partenaires en éducation. For more information and to register, please visit Eventbrite event.
December 12, 2024
Find out how e-cigarettes work, their impact on health, and strategies for talking to your youngsters about them.
Parents and teenagers, this workshop is for you! Let's delve into the world of vaping to better understand this growing phenomenon among young people. Through interactive discussions, you'll discover :
This workshop will provide you with concrete resources and practical advice on how to approach this subject with your young people with confidence, based on sound knowledge, with the aim of strengthening family dialogue. Join us to ask your questions and share your experiences. Join us to ask your questions and share your experiences, so that together we can cultivate a calm, well-informed dialogue.
For more information and free registration, please contact view Eventbrite event.
Full day
December 17, 2024
Mass at 9:30 a.m. followed by concert practice at St John the Apostle Church
December 17, 2024
Rejoignez Parents as partners in education pour explorer comment vous pouvez contribuer à l’épanouissement des enfants neurodivergents, tout en les aidant à surmonter leurs défis avec confiance et résilience.
La neurodiversité est une richesse qui englobe les différentes façons dont le cerveau humain fonctionne, pense et apprend. Que ce soit le TDAH, le TSA, la dyslexie, ou autres particularités d’apprentissage, chaque enfant a des forces uniques, mais aussi des défis spécifiques qui nécessitent une compréhension et un soutien adaptés.
Cet atelier interactif vous propose de plonger au cœur de la neurodiversité pour:
L’atelier est animé par Fatou Diallo, de la firme Ton Succes Consulting, qui partagera, en tant que neurodiverse et parent d’enfants neurodivergents, des exemples concrets et des ressources utiles pour vous accompagner dans ce voyage.
Pour vous inscrire ou partager l’événement, voici le lien direct.
Full day
December 18, 2024
Concert practice at St John the Apostle church
Full day
December 19, 2024
6:30 p.m. at St John the Apostle Church in Red Lake