In a French-language school, students learn and live in French. The student experience is different from that of immersion programs. Immersion programs play a complementary role by increasing the number of Anglophones studying French as a second language.

In French-speaking schools, students not only learn the various subjects of the curriculum in French, they are also immersed in a French-speaking environment and can take part in a wide range of cultural and sporting activities in French.

In French-language schools, all subjects except English are taught in French. By the time they graduate, students have an excellent command of both French and English, and can identify with the French-speaking culture and community.

Many parents wonder how they'll be able to support their children and prepare them for a French education if they don't speak French themselves.

In most of the families in our schools, only one parent speaks French.

It's your attitude that will make the difference and have a considerable impact on your child's experience. Show your child that you value the French language. By encouraging him to play in French and experience French culture, he will develop his cultural identity.

There are many ways for parents to ensure that the French language is valued at home.

If you speak French :

  • Speak French as often as possible
  • Participate in French preschool programs (Centre Grandir en français in Thunder Bay) or meet other French-speaking families
  • Give French an important place at home, for example by giving priority to French-language TV channels, radio stations and books, or by speaking French at mealtimes, etc.
  • Read to your child in French (15 minutes a day)
  • Play with your child in French
  • Do everyday activities in French, such as writing a shopping list or notes for your child, or leaving a telephone message in French.
  • Don't hesitate to speak French in public! Cheer on your favorite field hockey team in French!
  • Participate in school council meetings and volunteer for school activities

If you speak English :

  • If your partner is French-speaking, encourage him or her to speak French at home.
  • Encourage your child's French-speaking family to speak to him in French, even if you don't understand.
  • Develop routines that include basic French, such as songs, nursery rhymes or counting to 5 before bedtime.
  • Show your pride in speaking French: say "bonjour" to your child's French-speaking friends and learn to pronounce their names in the French way.
  • Listen to French music with your child at home or in the car. Try to learn the songs together.
School bus transportation is available to all students residing in or around the municipalities served by our schools. This safe and efficient transportation service is provided by the following transportation consortiums:
    1. Thunder Bay School Bus Services External link for Thunder Bay and area.
    2. Thunder Bay Eastern Transportation Consortium External link for the Greenstone (Longlac, Geraldton and Nakina), Terrace Bay and Marathon areas.
    3. Consortium des services scolaires du Nord-Ouest External link for the Ignace, Dryden and Red Lake regions.

The Ministry of Education develops the curriculum for ALL Ontario schools. Learning expectations and content are the same in both English- and French-language schools. However, the French curriculum takes into account Francophone cultural elements. Students learn the curriculum in French, in a French cultural environment.

English is taught from grade 4 upwards.e to 12e grade. In secondary school, students take the same English courses as those in English-language schools.

In regions like Northwestern Ontario, where French is not the dominant language, it's difficult to create a francophone environment at home. Discussions about the language spoken at home often don't arise until it's time to choose a school. Even if your preschooler doesn't speak or understand French, rest assured that he or she will feel completely integrated and at home in our schools.

Our teachers are specifically trained in teaching in a minority environment, and know how to create a warm, comfortable environment in which your child can quickly become fluent in French.