Pink Sweater Day (anti-harassment)

Full day
February 26, 2025

Bullying can affect a person's feelings, relationships, self-esteem and sense of security. It can also make people feel uncomfortable in everyday situations at home, at work or at school.

Bullying can take many forms, including :
Physical intimidation Harassing someone by hitting, shoving, tripping or using any other form of physical force.

Emotional or psychological bullying harassing someone with verbal attacks, hurtful comments, insults or teasing.

Cyberbullying harassment of a person through social media, text messaging, e-mail, websites and other digital channels.

Social bullying harassing someone by excluding them, spreading rumors or giving them the silent treatment.

Discriminatory intimidation harassment of a person because of their sexual orientation, ethnic origin, gender identity, religion or anything else perceived to make them "different".

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