Here you'll find all the information you need for the start of the new school year.

If you have any questions, please contact the school.

School arrival and departure

Parents driving their children to school must drop them off and pick them up when they disembark. 

  • In the morning, you can drop off your child from 8:40 to 8:50.
  • After school, you can pick up your child from 3:20 to 3:30 pm.

If you need to drop your child off early, you'll need to make arrangements with the school.

At CSDC des Aurores boréales, school transportation is offered free of charge to all eligible students. Our goal is to provide safe, efficient, quality transportation at a cost the Board can afford.

Please consult Northwestern Ontario Student Services consortium for more information, or the mobile application Edulog Parent Portal (delay, cancellation).


This program is designed to confirm student safety in the event of unexplained absences.

If your child is unable to attend school due to illness or a planned activity, we ask that you inform the school in advance in writing (note to be given to the office) or by e-mail. e-mail or by phone at 807 727-3108.

We ask you to inform the school in advance in writing, with a note in your child's diary.

Students' attendance is checked twice during the day: on arrival at 9 a.m. and in the afternoon. If the school has not been notified of a particular absence, we will contact you to verify and confirm the absence.

Compulsory schooling : Pupils who have reached the age of 6 must attend school until the age of 18, or until they graduate. Under the compulsory schooling rule, pupils are admitted to 1re year in September of any school year, provided they have reached the age of six (6) by December 31 of the same calendar year. If a person under the age of compulsory schooling is enrolled in an elementary school, the present applies during the period for which he or she is enrolled, as if he or she had reached the age of compulsory schooling.

School staff responsibilities : The school maintains a daily register of all students' absences and reasons for absence through Aspen. According to B009-P School attendanceFor each absence, there is communication between the school and the home. Where applicable, original supporting documentation from the doctor must be retained for two years in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR). On a regular basis, the principal or designate reviews student attendance data in Aspen. Together with school staff, the principal takes a critical look at each student to identify those at risk. Once recurrent absences have been identified, the next steps are documented using the B009-F1 Management of absences or late arrivals and stored in the student's DSO.

Prolonged absences : 

If you anticipate that your child will be absent for an extended period of time (e.g., travel, family emergencies, medical absences), you must inform the school so that the administration can offer a school exemption. 

Frequent absences or lateness :

Follow-ups will be carried out according to the number of absences, in compliance with Board policy and school procedures. 

From 5 to 10 days of late arrivals or accumulated absences, we can trigger the process set out in the policy, which may include :

  1. an initial communication from the school,
  2. a phone call from management,
  3. a meeting between parents and the school.

If concern persists, the attendance advisor can get involved.

Allergies and medical needs

School is a fragrance-free place.

If your child suffers fromasthmaof diabetes, d'epilepsy and/oranaphylaxisMs. Isabelle Racine would like to meet with you in September to complete a new "care plan" for your child's care in the event of a crisis.

Please send a e-mail to make an appointment Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (please suggest a minimum of 2 dates that might be suitable).


School operations

It is very important that your child arrives before 8:50 a.m. so that he or she has enough time to change (especially in winter) and be ready for class. 

Please consult daily schedule for the entire day.

The school provides students with all necessary school supplies (e.g., agendas, scissors, pencils, erasers, markers, crayons, notebooks, glue sticks, paper, etc.).

The parent is responsible for providing the following items for her child:

  • Rucksack
  • Dinner box
  • Water bottle
  • Non-slip espadrilles (that leave no black marks)
  • Change of clothes for all

The practice of homework brings many benefits, such as consolidating knowledge and skills, acquiring good work habits and methods, and developing autonomy. In fact, our aim is to encourage students to remain seriously committed to their learning.

The homework should be done by the students themselves. After all, they have been read and explained in the classroom. What's more, homework reflects what has been learned and is therefore relevant to your child. You can help your child by encouraging him or her, rereading the instructions together, explaining the benefits of doing homework, checking it once finished and congratulating your child on having made the effort to do homework.

Since every child's learning experience is unique, it's normal for homework time to vary from student to student. The important thing is to make it a positive experience at home. If homework is too long or difficult for your child, don't hesitate to contact the teacher for advice.

The average daily homework time should correspond to the following periods:

  • Nursery/garden: occasionally, up to 10 minutes
  • 1re à 3e year: up to 25 minutes
  • 4e à 6e year: up to 45 minutes
  • 7e à 8e year: up to 60 minutes

Resource information : B-004-P HOMEWORK

We invite you to visit our School climate to learn more about our code of conduct and our bullying prevention and intervention plan. 

Every child likes to express himself and dress to show his individuality. That said, it's important that your child wears clothes that follow school rules.

Here are a few guidelines to ensure that your child is dressed appropriately:

  • Hats are permitted outside the school, but must not be worn inside.
  • Shoes must be safe, and if your child wears sandals, they must fasten at the back to prevent tripping and cover the toes.
  • Shirts must cover the shoulders, stomach, navel and any other private parts of the body.
  • Shorts should be long enough.
  • Pants must cover underwear and must not be torn or have holes.
  • Clothing promoting a healthy, safe and positive message. 

Resource information : B-015-D-2 DRESS CODE

No student may use personal mobile devices during teaching hours, except in the following circumstances:

  • for educational purposes, as directed by a member of staff;
  • for health and medical purposes;
  • to meet special educational needs.

Students are responsible for their personal mobile devices (loss, theft, breakage), for the way they use them and for the consequences of non-compliance with the school board's policy on the use of personal mobile devices.

If a device is seen or heard during teaching hours, the student will be required to put it away until the end of the day.

Students in 6e year and under

Pupils' personal mobile devices must be kept out of sight and switched off or set to silent mode throughout the teaching day, except when their use is explicitly authorized by a member of staff in the circumstances described above.

Students from 7e and 8e year

  • The personal mobile devices of 7eand 8e year must be stored out of sight and switched off or muted during teaching hours, except when their use is explicitly authorized by a member of staff in the circumstances described above.


Find out how you can get involved in the school community through the School Council, the Parent Participation Committee, or by volunteering. Your participation and contribution are greatly appreciated as we work together to improve the school experience for all our students.

If you would like to join the School Council or volunteer, please contact the school. by e-mail.

Discover the following resources to learn more: 

SchoolCash : The Board offers an online payment method for all school fees (lunch, excursions, etc.) for students, managed by SchoolCash Online.